Friday, August 28, 2009

August is over...!!!

April 10th …I came to Malaysia because of my dad’s company .
First time, I’m getting exhausted because of the hot weather and new situations.
But august 5th, I went to international school of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) first time in my life. It didn’t take a long time to enjoy is school and comfortable with this because all the teachers are so kind and teach us so easily…
This is new experience to play and chitchatting with all friends who came from other countries. It’s so interesting that we have various activities like drama, climbing, Chinese culture and craft, batik, ect. Also dance crop. That I didn’t try it last time…
The activities that I like most is batik, because we can make ourselves like draw outline with wax…!(Even though that smell is kind of yucky)
For example, in climbing we don’t just climb. We’re learning how to say, say to the belaying people, ect. First time when I’m trying that, I’m so scared so I climbed about half. But now… I’m can climb to the top!

Secondly, I love cateen. They have various kinds of food like KOREAN FOOD!!!
They are so yummy and exactly same as real Korean food. For example like kimbab, kimche…
Also the new thing to me is they have swimming pool and changing+showering room.
The swimming pool is awesome! it’s about 3 meters that I can’t reach.
These things surprise me when I’m taking for admissions…
Colorful locker, good foods that we can choose, large field, swimming pool, and school with everything I want…At first, it was heaven to me!
More and more, I’m getting tired because of increased homework and after school activities…But I’m getting part of ISKL, and getting comfortable with speaking English.
I have many friends now and it’s good to be having friends. I’m so proud of me because at the first they of school, I so worried about like simple problems. If I say the truth I’m not that quiet student. I’m just too scared about talking in English. It’s so weird problem but I improved!

Library is so amazing I don’t think that they will have Korean books and also we can borrow maximum 10 books! Wow it’s huge to me because at last school we are limited under 2 books…Library is huge, clean, and they have technology system.
They have so many good books (even though it’s so hard to find)

Finally, I love this school because this place is so clean, large, and they have lots of convenient things like studio, pool, and field.
Also they are doing very well about security system. This week, someone lied that there is bomb at the school. So all went out and ride the bus! Although that was lie I can see the security system. I’m proud of my school!!!