Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding(silence)to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I put the slience after the understanding people because I wanted people to think about 'so???' So thats why I put the silence after the understanding. So after they thought 'so that kind of thing make student to be?' The answer comes over.

Composers create the tension in their music by stopping their music and suddenly start the music loudly. If composers make the void long enough to make audience think 'what's going on?' and they make a loud sound, it will make audiance surprise, also more tension to their music.

Monday, January 11, 2010

During the winter vacation


Main idea

1 week in Sydney (beach),(Blue Mountain),(Port Stepen)

I week in Melbourne (Great Ocean Road), (Penguin Parade)

Sleepovers in Shion’s house with Shion and Marisa

During the winter vacations, I did a lot of fun things. For the 2 weeks, I went to Australia and visit 2 of the cities which is Sydney and Melbourne. For the last one week, I did all the reviews for school and I did sleepovers with Marisa and Shion which was my best sleepover ever…!!! But it was really weird that having the winter vacation without snow. And also it was rrrrreeeeeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyyyy hot. When i was doing track and field, i felt like i'm gonna faint.

First of all, I went Sydney. I felt it’s kind of cold because of the strong wind. During the whole week, I went to the Port stepen, Blue mountain, Manly Beach, Bondi Beach and few Museums. But the best one was the beach part. At that time, it was freezing. But I did change and jump in to the ocean… The good thing about Manly beach was that the depth of the beach was shallow but the wave was high and strong. So that was the reason that I loved it. Also blue mountain and Port stepen was interesting also because the origin of that name ‘Blue’ is because of the alcohol when Queen Elizabeth saw it look like blue.

also The guide said many people asked him that if they go in to the Blue mountain, do they feel like drunk. But the answer is that you just feel a bi tsleepy. and other thing is all right! Another part of the travel, Port Stepen is like desert. I rode the port stepen send sleigh. But it was not that fast… Also we went to the Taronga zoo. It was huge. We had to ride the ferri to go there and then we have to ride the sky safari to go up to the top. We could experience the Australian animals and also we saw the Koalas and Kangaroo. We got chance to touch them. They were so cute and they were so soft..! But the bad thing was that when I see my hand after i touch them, there are a lot of hair left. so i have to wash my hand immidately. I also saw the dingo. It looks like just the formal dog but when you see him eat the raw meat. You will notice that is wild because, it just put everything in his mouth and eat very fast.

In addition, I went to Melbourne. And the first thing I saw was the ‘tram’ which was really interesting. It’s looks like train but it’s going on the car road like bus. The one that I loved it was ‘Penguin Parade.’ First we have to wait until 8o’clock and you can see the 4~5 penguins at the water. They try to come out but because they are so tiny (only about 30cm), it’s really hard to come out. Also even if they came out they jump in the water again when their friend didn’t come out. They took so long time to come out of it…! So that’s why I thought they are really team working well.

Lastly, I did sleepover in Shion’s house. It was really fun. It might be the best sleepovers ever! We did listen to music, play board games, swim, Nintendo, and also we did truth or dare. The favourite thing was we turn on the music and record our video randomly. It was fun but now, I am scared because Shion might put that in YouTube Face book. But at that thim, it was so fun. Also we go on to Skype and tease Diksha. Diksha was so mad at us! We were not scared because we knew that we will not connect camera or microphone. After few minutes, we went to bed and did truth or dare. After that, Shion said I have to go to sleep because I have to go to Korean School tomorrow. But Io was not sleepy at all so i told Shion to wake me up. Tomorrow when i woke up, Shion and Marisa was staring at me because, Shion shook me so hard even Marisa get up! But i didn't felt anything...

At this winter vacation without snow, was my first vacation in Malaysia. I think because of that, it's more important because i already did the 1 and a half of school year! Especially that I been to the Australia and had many experience and understanding of the other culture. Also doing sleepover with friends made me friendlier. Even though, I’m not staying for a long time in Malaysia. I want to enjoy everything.