Thursday, May 13, 2010

Discovering a new island...

plants can be used as tools, medicine, and food!

i will live in forests and try to make as plains even though it is not as plain as this!

i will live in this kind of olace to get water!

Now that you know what environmental factors are, let's see if you can use some critical reasoning and creative thinking to complete the following activity:
Imagine that you are living 200 years in the future. Earth has been invaded by a powerful empire, Akkadiana, but you manage to escape with several friends in a small space ship. Your space ship lands on an unknown planet, but you find that the geography and the environment is just like Earth. The only difference is there are no cities, towns or villages and you and your friends are the only humans here.

Your task:

1) Think about what you have learned in Chapters 4-7 before you begin this blog.

2) Identify 3 environmental factors you would look for before you build your own small village.

3) Write a short explanation for each environmental factor describing why they are important for the survival of your village. Example: I would look for a river...(give details)

Environmental Factor 1:

When I get to an island that I never gone before, I will look for fresh water. Water is most important thing in our lives. We can’t survive without water. I will go on to rivers which doesn’t have salty water. Then, I will start to do everything with it. I will start fishing to get food supply, wash myself to protect from getting diseases, and transportation to get to the other places. Transportation is important because you might have to leave that place to catch some fish!

Environmental Factor 2:

The good topography is large pain with a good soil… but I can’t get that because I would be in the forest! So I will grow my crops in the forest even though it’s tilted. It has really rich soil which will make crops grow fast and healthy! Forest has really good soil which includes a lot of minerals. Also they are out of pollutions. Also because it’s right beside rivers, we don’t have to have a hard time watering them.

Environmental Factor 3:

Next challenge that I have to go over vegetation! Vegetation is all the plants and trees which grow in nature naturally. Plants give us a lot of things like medication, food and tools. Mountains or forests will be really good for this but I will look for forests which doesn’t have many animals around. Even though it’s not carnivores, I can affect crops by eating it!