Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Speaking Up, Believing Within Yourself

Become noticed, believe strongly
Question the truth and speak your opinion
Be absolutely determined because uncertainty is infectious
Entreat society, declare with conviction
End being personal and speak your point
Nothing is invisible, oppose the authority!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Independence of a Country

Korea was colony of Japan for many years and I believe that this history is unforgettable. Koreans suffered and ached a lot but we are here now, standing globally high country. It is quite amazing how that small country formed a stable country in few years. I believe that was part of independence activist’s effort who didn’t think about themselves first but the country. At that time, Korea lost the name. Korea was not allowed to be called as Korea. Everyone, including students, stood up against Japanese and fought for what is right, what we want. Kim Jwa Jin is one of the people who stood up at the first row to be

Kim Jwa Jin General


Kim Jwa Jin is a soldier who fought in the war for independence. He was the leader of the army and came back with one of our greatest victory in those times. Kim Jwa Jin was born in 1889, and he liked to ride horses and do archery and in 1905, when he was 15, he let all the slaves of his house free, which was about 30. Starting from 1918, he went to China to get away from Japan’s eyes and signed the contract to be a leader for Korea independence conflicts. This was the start of our resistance.

In 1920, Kim Jwa Jin hid the soldiers in the highlands and waited until Japanese come. Japanese didn’t know that they were hiding so they were Vigilant. Then, he attacked.

This attacks and wars show us that country is worth fighting for. I believe country is worth fighting for because it’s your another face. When we meet new friends, we ask their nationality. The image of that country can really make that person look different, or that person can make people judge those nationality people in positive/negative way. It is not being racist, but it is true that country affects your thoughts and characteristic a little bit. For example, in the book called ‘Knife of Never Letting Go,’ when people found out that Todd is from Prentisstown, even though Todd doesn’t know the truth and he didn’t do anything bad, they thought he shouldn’t be in their town.

Country is the one that makes you free. That is why country is worth fighting for. If country is known as bomber country or a dangerous country, you wouldn’t have many chances to travel or enjoy outside life even though you have done nothing wrong. Others countries would not go under consequences of getting terror by letting you travel. In the book called ‘Knife of Never Letting Go,’ Prentisstown was isolated and abandoned because other towns thought they were dangerous, and they had to get disadvantage of being disconnected to the whole planet.

Without country, the world would be unorganized and isolated. Kim Jwa Jin is inspirational because he is one of the people who thought of others and country first then himself.