Sunday, November 20, 2011

Believing in Miracle

I believe in miracle. Miracle happens from nowhere, at point of your life. Maybe it will happen when you are so miserable like you would want to just leave everything behind and escape from the life, or it happens to make your life even better from the state you have right now. Anyways, miracle is something you really want at least once in your life.

Miracle is something that is made from love and care. Like the events that we can only call it miracle are like when a person who was in cerebral death came alive, or someone who had a baby and went in to the vegetated state and soon became alive after few weeks and the baby was safe. Cerebral death is simply death of a brain. You can't feel the pain, or everything else that is from the brain's orders. But there was a huge event in Korea. A woman woke up from the cerebral death. She was in cerebral death because someone chocked her while she was sleeping. So after she woke up in 5 years, the police used hypnotherapy on her then finally caught a criminal. This is just more then a drama, a movie. These are the things which are called miracle. Medically, to make a cerebral death person to stay alive or to wake up doesn't just cost a lot of money but also the possibility of that person convalescing is almost none. But there are some cases that they actually woke up from deep sleep, which it is not even proved medically. Maybe the family's love, attention and hope are the ones which create miracle.

Miracle happens when you believe. A woman was diagnosed as lung cancer. She was told that medically she has only 6 months to live because the cancer has progressed a lot already. Her reason to go to the hospital was because of the constant cough and pain which made her barely to sleep.  Then her bodies started to shake. At first, she thought of this just as a asthema, but after she have gone through for weeks, it was determined as a lung cancer. After that, she determined herself to stay alive. Now, she is still alive. This is the story of a woman having a lung cancer in 2003, in the age of 56. She said she saved her life because of the trust that she had to the doctor, and the bright emotion and faith she had during the long medical cure period. It was not yet miracle because there are many people nowadays who survive from cancer, but this person was not young and found out that she has cancer very late. So, this tells us that if we believe miracle, it will come to you.

Miracle is something that can be created. Father Lee Tae Suk(priest) created a miracle, a better world in Sudan. He was impetus of change. After he saw a deep depression from their village Tonj because of their poverty and diseases, he threw himself for a better medication and education. But, he ended up dying in 2010, due to cancer. But Tonj has changed. They are not able to forget the warmth of the Father, crying for him when he died. He changed Tonj. He risked his life for them, because Tonj often had in-fights. He created a miracle. Because of him, Tonj is now shining with all the instruments that he bought and taught them, bright with smiles instead of poverty and depression, and active with all the followers who are trying to follow Father by volunteering to work in LED countries. This is called miracle, when someone can actually be impetus of change. I believe Father Lee Tae Suk's sincerity moved their hearts.

Miracle is always there for you. It depends how you think. If you believe within miracle, I believe it makes you to think more positively because you have something to rely on when you have problems. To me, miracle is like turning me upside down. Coming to Malaysia and attending in ISKL, the international school, someone calling me in my phone number when I have lost them, and when I find my grade came out much better then I expected it to be, this is all miracle that has changed my daily or whole life. Something so small, can make your day better. That is why people believe in miracle. Miracle does't cost you anything but care and thinking positively. It just belongs next to you even though you don't see the light. Miracle is something that comes to you eventually, like a target.

Miracle is like a dream, what you wish for. There are much more people who created miracle by themselves, challenging their abilities, breaking the box, and believing it. Miracle will always be there for you unless you stop believing.