Thursday, August 19, 2010

This Is Me!

People say that simple objects can show a person’s personality. A panda arm pillow, top of hanoi, cross stitches, alarm clock, letters, flash light, picture, necklace, book and violin. This is me in 10 objects!

The first object, panda, is an arm pillow. I got it as a birthday present from my friend when I was in 3rd grade. You wrap it on your arm and sleep. It makes me so comfortable! When I first came to Malaysia, my panda pillow was my friend who understood me! After having a hard time in the different worlds of my new English speaking classrooms, panda encouraged me so much. When I came home from school I would hug panda and tell all the stories from school!

My favorite puzzle, ‘Tower Of Hanoi’, is the best thing I have ever done! You just have to move the stack of blocks to the other place without putting a big one on a small one. When I bought it for the first time, I did it for whole day. I did it until 9 blocks but I wonder if there are more levels that I can reach. It is all about logic. But the negative side of it is that I feel dizzy after finishing 9 stacks, because I had to concentrate so hard! I want to show everyone my Tower Of Hanoi because it shows that I love puzzles!

My violin is my friend... When I am really angry or sad, I play the violin. It calms me down! But it can also annoy me with its squeaky sounds. This usually happens because I am not paying attention. I started learning the violin really early but it was way too hard for me to do it. My fingers were so little that all the fingers twisted. So I was not really good at it but now, I like it.. I don’t know even I am good at it or not but I like it. I just wanted to say that I love music!

Whenever people come to my house, they always surprise when they see my study room. All sides of the room is covered with bookshelves. When ever I try to study in that room, books call me like crazy to read them! I can’t focus! But it was also my best friend when I just came to Malaysia. There was nothing to do.. No friends, no place to go, so books became my best friend. I always stay in that room for whole day, reading. Now, I don’t have much time but still I try to play with my best friend as much as possible. Reading makes me so calm. Whether I am angry or sad, it makes me calm down.

Cross stitch and making cushions are the best thing to do to spend time. They are wonderful presents too! It take like 1 month for me to finish one stitch but I feel proud of myself after finishing it. Also seeing people laughing and smiling after getting them from me is great happiness for me too! The first time, I messed it up completely and had a hard time taking it off and still, I am bad. I wanted to say I love continuous things like Cross stitches!

Mickey mouse alarm clock is special. I have to press it’s face to turn off the alarm in the mornings. Plus, it snoozes itself automatically. So I can’t even try to stay in my bed peacefully. I can remember the first night I had it on. It was so funny. In the morning, I heard an melody which was really childish. So I HAVE to use this alarm to wake up early...

This is letters that I collected. Actually my mom collected it since my 1st grade and I didn’t know it is going to be this valuable memory to me. It just makes me laugh when I read all of my letters. Bad hand writings, funny stories, and everything else is one of my most valuable things! Even I can remember people who was teasing me like crazy! There are loads of things that I want to tell them but I don’t have their contact. So I noticed that I have to be good to friends when I am with them.

This picture is taken in 63 building in Korea. I was in field trip at that time. Friends, teachers and my classmates trills me. They were my best friends. We fought a lot but we were still friends. I was in the same school with them until 5th grade. I look different... Also, because of this picture, I can see how I am growing. It is like a miniature album!

Book Flash light is most important thing for me. After mom turns off the lights, I take out my secret weapon, Flash light! and start reading. There is some time that you can’t sleep even though you try so hard. In that moments, I use this. Friends gave this as one of my birthday present in 6th grade. I still love it. I put this because I am a bookworm!

Best friends necklace is for best friends. I put that up because I wanted to show that I have best friends that I can share secrets. I think best friends are always together. Cry together, laugh together and doing all the things together! I think best friends goes forever! Even if they fight....

These may be the normal and just formal thing to other people but for me, it is the thing that represnts me and most valuable thing ever!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
John F. Kennedy

I chose this quote because I think eventhough we put in a lot of effort and courage in something, and if we don't have the purpose of doing that, it can't be better from that point(I think). In parts of our lives, we have to decide things many times. It is a decision that you can't go back when you chose. When you are doing that, it would be easier to chose if you have your dream or purpose. Also you can be more eager when you have your destination.
I chose this picture because I wanted to say you have to decide really serious things in you life and there is no going back.
I chose this picture because I wanted to say that in your life, you have to make a lot of decisions. There is no going back to most of them. So you have to make a right choice and to do that, you better have a destination. That is what I am trying and I didn't choose destiniation yet. So I chose the quote that I want to try.

Danicing all over the world

Matt Harding was brilliant! After posting one video in his blog, all of his friends spread that video all over and over 20 million people has watched it. What he did was he chose a particular place in every country and danced. Anywhere like subway station, narrow street, anything can be a stage for him. He was practically repeating the same motion but it felt different every time. After the few videos, people started to send money to support him. Now, everywhere he goes, he is not alone. People gather around and dance together… as crazy as they can be. They are strangers. But because they know the same person, they join in and dace together. We maybe don’t know each other, but we are one. We feel comfortable to each other after doing something together. Our thoughts from the past, early humans are still alive. We are just connected in someway and world is still one.
Photograph by Danilo Rizzuti - I chose this picture because it shows us that world is one by holding a globe in two hands. s2009/12/somma-investimentos- connecting-foreign-investors-directly-with-brazilian-commerce 2009/12/somma-investimentos- connecting-foreign-investors-directly-with-brazilian-commerce


Compliment guys are people who make people to cheer up. They say that person has at least one thing to compliment. One single compliment might make their day better. If I were there, I would cross them every day to get a compliment. Their compliment is not complicated. They just say, ‘cool shoes! I love that bike! Nice hair!’ when you think positive, everything goes better and in your way! Also the compliment guys will feel proud of themselves when they see them smiling and cheering up because of it. Maybe we can start our day saying, ‘we are cool!’

I chose this picture because I thought when we start our day, complimenting ourselves, smiling, that day would be more better.