Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
John F. Kennedy

I chose this quote because I think eventhough we put in a lot of effort and courage in something, and if we don't have the purpose of doing that, it can't be better from that point(I think). In parts of our lives, we have to decide things many times. It is a decision that you can't go back when you chose. When you are doing that, it would be easier to chose if you have your dream or purpose. Also you can be more eager when you have your destination.
I chose this picture because I wanted to say you have to decide really serious things in you life and there is no going back.
I chose this picture because I wanted to say that in your life, you have to make a lot of decisions. There is no going back to most of them. So you have to make a right choice and to do that, you better have a destination. That is what I am trying and I didn't choose destiniation yet. So I chose the quote that I want to try.

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