Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Identity

Jesus Colon

Jesus Colon is a Portuguese man who met a white lady with 3kids and a suitcase. He wondered what to do... The white lady and him was getting off in the same stations. He was wondering what to do. Should I help her? Should I not help her? What would she do if I go and help her?

Jesus Colon was full of regret after he left the lady, he just thought she will shout, scream, mad at him for a BLACK man trying to help! He regrets it. He thinks that he should have at least tried to help. Ask maybe? Then he wouldn't live in regretting mind forever in his heart.

Racist is one of the strongest and worst thing ever. Because of looks, they have to be treated different like a man in 'Man in the island.' Getting hurt, can't to anything else, illuminated from everything. Always being watched from someone. I would be like him if I was in that part. I would just walk away because of the fear that I am black.

The victim is Jesus Colon, who try to be nice and helpful but tightened by a chain called black. There looks doesn't show their personalities, looks doesn't show their spirit. He have rights to do things that he wants to do. Sometimes humans are alone, lonely in the world, smiling at outside, crying in inside. They have to do what they don't want to. So why don't you do things that you want to? Why don't you do things that is right?

What Do We Do with a Variation?

What do we do with a difference?
Do we stand and discuss its oddity
or do we ignore it?
Do we shut our eyes to it
or poke it with a stick?
Do we clobber it to death?
Do we move around it in rage
and enlist the rage of others?
Do we will it to go away?
Do we look at it in awe
or purely in wonderment?
Do we work for it to disappear?
Do we pass it stealthily
Or change route away from it?
Do we will it to become like ourselves?
What do we do with a difference?
Do we communicate to it,
let application acknowledge it
for barriers to fall down?
James Berry

Will this? or not? This questions have power to make people hesitate. Ignorance is the people's fear. Jesus Colon had a same problem and regretted it forever until now. After that moment, he promised himself to do anything that he thinks it is right not according to the answer. Caring is sharing. Caring each other, just looking at each other's good sides, that is what makes us into a society.

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