Saturday, March 27, 2010

When I Jina's curch, I had to practice my violin 4 to 7:45. At first, I was so excited because I get to be with Jina. But gradually, I was getting tired and tired. I stretching, yawning, and complaining for long practices. We were supposed to practice until 6 to 7 but everyone was lazy adn song was difficult. So we had to do it until it was good! Only clarinet was the problem. We waited at the practice room doing nothing...


At sunday afternoon, I went to pavilion to watch 'Alice in Wonderland.' I was lookinf foward for it for whole week! When we were taking tickets, my heart was pounding. I was thinking,'Yay, I get to see this movie finally!' I was wondering how good that movie will be. I heard about that movie everywhere! When I was going in to the KLCC Suria, I saw that movie's advertisement. Clover, spades, diamonds and hearts were going through my mind. I couldn't think about anything. I was only thinking about 'Alice in Wonderland.'


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