Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nowadays in our ESL class, we are learning about 'Civilizations.' So Ms.Nadaraj asked us,' Is your country civilization?'

RELIGION: Korea has a lot of religions. Those are buddhism, christianity adn catholic. But the most popular one is...... christianity! You can feel that Koreans actually LOVE god. When you go top of the tower or mountains at night, you can see the red flashing lights covered whole city! The second popular religion is buddhism. In the past, Korea had ONLY buddhists. But civilization was growing, other country's customs were started to come in! But still, you can see over hundreds of people are visiting temples for anniversaries.

WRITING: When we look at the past, we were used to use Chinese as our language. But it was tooo hard for the normal citizens to learn it. So one of our greatest king in history, King SeJong made the language 'Korean.' Many governors disliked it because they thought learning language is only for the high class people. But King SeJong didn't changed his mind. He made it! Now Korean is one of the most scientific and easiest language in the world.

TECHNOLOGY: Korea's one of the best part, TECHNOLOGY! Korea is known as most strong band in technology stuff. Phone, TV, ect. SAmsung, LG, Kia, hundai, ect. They are in the whole wide world. So noticed this at first when I came to Malaysia. Almost all the people use LG or SamSung phones and TV. Now it is not only popular in Korea, it is the world brand!

GOVERNMENT: Okay... So what do you think? Do you think Korea has government? Of course yes! Korea has Government from 500 years ago! That was the greatest King, SeJong. At that time, they cared about people a lot. because he cared about people a lot, he got sick.... But nowadays, president control the country with governors!

ART: Korea art has a lot of examples. Korea traditional masks, sign, drawing, sculpture, buildings, ect. Korean art is special. Maybe it is similiar with japanese or chinese but it has our own style! Korea's tranditional masks are really spooky adn scary becasue they wamted to make ghosts go out of their room.

STABLE FOOD SUPPLY: Korea has stable food supply. Korea has good weather to farm which is winter, summer, spring and fall. When it was long time ago, Korean farmers had hard time at April and May bacause they barely had food to survive until fall. But now, we invented the green house so we can eat stuff even though it is not fresh enough.

SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Korea doesn't have that strong social structure. It is because Korea is democracy! Korea's owner is citizens. No one is controlling the country by their selves. They have to ask for it if the all people agrees with it! It is the most fair thing I have ever seen. The only Communism country in the world is North Korea. THey have to work for country, and they have to do the job that government chose for them.They can't reject it because then the food supply will stop.

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